About Kingdom of Birds
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Kingdom of Birds are making fantastic, really smart, sophisticated post-punk music in the realm of Wire. - Jim DeRogatis
We are a featured "Buried Treasure" on episode #705 of the world's best radio show and music podcast, Sound Opinions!
February 22, 2019
We were featured in Socan Words and Music
January 28, 2017
We got the front page of of the Arts section in the weekend Globe and Mail
If this is the future of indie-rock, well, we should all consider ourselves very lucky.
“...smart and provocative...post-punk inspired gloss and willfully enigmatic lyrics…"
“..a heavenly marriage of melodies…(Glitz) gives listeners who didn’t know much about Kingdom of Birds a reason to come back for more."
there’s really no limit to what they could achieve if they keep pursuing this medium with as much zeal as they do in Glitz.
Listening to their latest single, “Lined Paper Song“, just further boggles the mind,
"Kingdom of Birds has marked out their own sweet spot, one where youth is not a liability nor a contrivance."
Kingdom of Birds is one of those bands that gives you hope for the future of music.
'I Cared' is an aggressive yet vulnerable new track from Canadian "Teen (and preteen) sensations" Kingdom of Birds.
Kingdom of Birds will have you wishing you got a move on your music career a decade or two sooner.
“They may be dreaming of Broken Social Scene in this song, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they grew up to be as big.”
“Kingdom of Birds are young mavericks containing a wealth of confidence, talent and maturity that far surpasses their tender ages.”
"For fear of sounding remarkably condescending, the depth of confidence, talent, conviction and execution far surpasses their ages."
“These kids, they sure can rock!”
The group members’ appearances were striking; they were significantly younger than most people in the audience, which is surprising considering the sophisticated quality of their music.